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21 Arrests Made in Glens Falls: 16 Juveniles and 5 Adults After Summer of Havoc

Over the summer, throughout the City of Glens Falls, motorists and bystanders were harassed by groups of teenagers. As a result, Glens Falls patrol officers have arrested 21 people on charges ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. 

In August, the police department notified the public that they were investigating multiple reports of juveniles committing crimes, mostly in the downtown area… 16 of the individuals who were arrested were juveniles, and five were adults.

An increase in reported activity involving youths during the summer is not unusual… However, these reports were especially alarming: “Usually it’s just the minor traffic calls, they’re blocking traffic and harassing motorists. When the motorists or bystanders confronted the youths… That’s when it started to escalate,” Smith said.

Mayor Bill Collins urged the public to call the police rather than handle the situation on their own: “We needed people to report this to us so we could address it, so if you see something, say something. Call us, and don’t engage these kids alone – let us do it,” Collins said. 

The juvenile participants were charged with assault and gang assault, and the adults were charged with endangering the welfare of a child for not supervising their children. The juvenile cases were filed through family court, while the parents are scheduled to appear in city court.