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5 Podcast Concepts (For You to Steal)

Last month, we published a short article on why everyone needs a podcast. Since then, we have received quite a few questions about podcasts and the logistics of putting them together; one of which being, “What should the show be about, or what should I talk about?”

Many seem to have the incorrect idea that their industry or profession is not that interesting. We want you to know that, with very few exceptions, most people have stories to tell that others would want to hear.

To help facilitate the concept and launch of your podcast, here are 5 show formats you could put into play.

1: The Interview

I like the interview format the best, and I believe it is one of the easier formats to pull off. All you need is a guest and your own curiosity; or, you could be the guest, and then you just need someone to ask
you questions. It can be industry-specific, geographically-specific, topic-specific, etc. You can interview current clients & customers, or complete strangers.

Personally, I enjoy using the podcast to get in front of people I wouldn’t have been able to meet otherwise. It’s an easy way to increase your network while also adding value to others. It gives all parties a piece of content that only costs us our time. Then, we can use for social, website, email campaigns, and more.

2: The Monologue

Are you an expert on a topic? The monologue, in my opinion, is not an easy format and requires a bit more preparation… But, when done well, is very entertaining. It can be 5 minutes, or it can be 50… The important thing is to not drone on with any one thought, as attention spans are getting shorter and shorter.

Have an impassioned message you want to get out? Are you excited about certain topics and have a fiery personality? Lean into a monologue rant. Consider the rant format, especially if you are funny, but consider keeping it short.

3: The How-To

The “how to” podcast is also a great one for brands that are looking to increase their presence on
Youtube or Rumble. “How to” videos show up in search results on Google, so they have an SEO value that others may not.

4: The Review

Similar to the “How To” format, the “Review” format also shows up on Google search pretty well. You can review products (your own or someone else’s), local services, industry specific tools, etc… Again, there are no limits.

5: The Recap

If you listen to news or political podcasts, you have probably heard a recap or two. This ranges from taking news clips and giving your thoughts on them to dissecting entire shows and giving your thoughts along the way. This can be local or national news, politics, high school sports, or whatever you think your audience will want to hear your thoughts about.

You could also start a show that incorporates all 5 or a combination of just a few. Really, the options are endless. Here are a couple of last minute thoughts to consider as well:

• Why are you creating the podcast and what do you hope to achieve?
• Does the content you are creating achieve this? Make sure it does.
• At what frequency will you record podcasts? Create a schedule and try to stick to it.

The main thing to remember is to relax, and have fun! Of course, if you are still not sure but think a podcast may be a good content solution for you, give us a call, or visit us at fivetowers.us.