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Veterans Business Network of the ARCC hosting 4th Annual Walk for Veteran Suicide Awareness & Prevention

Resource booths setup around Glens Falls City Park, offering information to Veterans, friends & family. Photos courtesy of the ARCC.

The Veterans Business Network of the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce (ARCC) is once again planning a walk for Veteran suicide awareness and prevention.

The 4th annual walk will take place, rain or shine, on Thursday, September 12th starting at 3:30 p.m. in Glens Falls City Park. After brief remarks, a 22-minute walk will commence to recognize the approximately 22 Veterans that are lost to suicide every day.

“As we prepare for this walk, just remember that what we perceive in others is just the surface. Unless they share their feelings, we don’t really know their true emotional wellbeing,” said Veterans Business Network Chair Sean Dion, also President at Mr. Electric of Queensbury.  

“Within the ranks of our Veterans and First Responders, we owe it to them to be their sixth sense, to be there before a crisis; and get them to proper care. 

Please come and support not only Veteran suicide awareness, but the vast resource network that took time from their day to do the same. We have grown each year due to your continued support of our mission!”

The Veterans Business Network (VBN), of the ARCC, was established in 2021 to create a safe space for Veteran business owners, and Veterans in the workforce, to connect, collaborate, and share resources. Regular meetings were held, and annual food & necessities drives to benefit organizations helping Veterans were planned, but the annual walk had its own story. 

In 2021, the VBN partnered with the VFW Post 2475 to organize what was then known as the “Stop 22 Walk.” Stop 22 was an initiative, started in 2018, between the Department of NY Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and one of the nation’s leading health and well-being companies HUMANA, to increase awareness of Veterans committing suicide; 22 Veterans are lost each day.

“As a veteran, I know firsthand that one life lost to suicide is too many. Events like the ARCC Veteran Suicide Awareness & Prevention Walk are crucial in raising awareness and fostering open conversations about mental health. Together, we can identify those in need and ensure they receive the care necessary to heal and thrive before it’s too late,” said Christopher Thomas, MPA, RBLP-T & founder of Elite 9 Talent Solutions.

In addition to raising awareness, the event will raise money for Kee to Independent Growth, LLC (KIGI) to help support their Veteran programs. Last year’s beneficiary organization was Alliance180.

“The team at Alliance180 is honored to once again participate in this important event. Our mission at A180 is to prevent suicide and reduce the effects of trauma for Veterans, first responders, and front-line healthcare workers. We thank the ARCC Veterans Business Network for bringing attention to this issue through this annual walk,” said Bob Nevins, Founder. 

As the event grew, the addition of resource booths really began adding value. This year, multiple agencies will be on site to share resource materials and information specifically for Veterans. 

Some of these agencies include: ASCEND Mental Wellness, Southern Adirondack Independent Living (SAIL), NY State Department of Veterans Services, Alliance180, the SUNY Adirondack Joseph P. Dwyer Peer-to-Peer Program, and many more.

“Communities are at their best when those capable of helping show up. This suicide and prevention walk highlights our cause for Veterans, but it’s also for every member of this community impacted by the tragedy of suicide; from our first responders to our family, friends, and neighbors. Join us and walk side-by-side as we strive to strengthen communication and coordination on suicide awareness and prevention,” said Amie & Juan Gonzales, President & Chief Financial Officer of Hunt Companies, Inc., and members of the ARCC Veterans Business Network.

This event is open to the public and generally draws about 150 people, including elected officials and community leaders. Please consider coming out to show your support on Thursday, September 12th, starting at 3:30 p.m. in Glens Falls City Park. Donations are appreciated and will go to benefit the Veterans programs provided by Kee to Independent Growth, LLC (KIGI).