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LARAC Executive Director Phil Casabona Curates A Love for the Arts

The Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council was founded in 1972, and is fondly known as LARAC. LARAC is a non profit arts organization, which operates on a volunteer basis. It is  located in a charming yellow house in the shadow of city hall at 7 Lapham Place in Glens Falls N.Y. The location had originally been a carriage house for the Lapham estate. It sits  across from Downtown City Park, and is one of the city’s many historic buildings. LARAC bought the carriage house 25 years ago. The historical building’s previous incarnation was as a women’s specialty shop named Honigsbaum’s.

In this location LARAC’s Lapham gallery hosts 7 gallery shows a year, and is open to the public with art activities all year round. The gallery space is painted white to accentuate the art. The open floor plan means that the art can be seen from several different vantage points and in several different ways.

Phil Casabona, the executive director of LARAC explained, “The space is set up so that the art on the right hand side in the back corner is the focal point. When people come in they are often drawn to that point.” He explained the work and care that goes into laying out a show. Casabona’s love of the space and his work is evident. He started as a volunteer at LARAC and has risen to the position of executive director.He hopes that he is a steward of the art and of LARAC. His participation with LARAC has expanded since he started volunteering. “I started one day a week, and then three days a week, part time then full time and now I’m the executive director.” He seems, both pleased and astonished about how his role evolved.

Casabona’s relaxed demeanor is welcoming and his attention to detail apparent. Every inch of the gallery is as important as every other. The gift shop with original handmade works, to the smaller gallery room which allows the viewer a more personal experience with the art.

The gallery is open to the public 6 days a week all year round, and has provided $83,000 in grants to artists. Casabona works closely with Alyssa Shiel who is in charge of community outreach for LARAC. He has worked with the organization since July of 2014.