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Faces of City Hall: Judy Villa-White

City of Glens Falls Human Resources Director: Judy Villa-White

“I am the Human Resources Director for the city, and have been in this position since 2013, so this is my tenth year” said longtime Glens Falls resident Judy Villa-White, as she settled in behind her desk.

Prior to her work at City Hall, Judy was an elected official for the city.  She spent almost eight years on the Common Council: “It’s been a nice transition coming from the legislative side to working on behalf of the city employees. Prior to that, my life was in retail and management… I was with The Gap for over 20 years, and ended that career with a district manager’s title,” she said; at that time, Judy and her husband Steve were raising three young kids.

“I truly love what I do, and I am happy to keep doing it. As Human Resources Director, I am a department of one… So, I wear many hats. My main role is to support the city employees,” she said. The City of Glens Falls has about 200 employees, with an additional 50 employees that fill seasonal positions. 

Judy describes the role she fills at City Hall: “I do all of the posting of positions, I sit in on all interviews, then I do the extending of the job offers, I do all of the onboarding… I also handle all of the workers’ comp issues that come in with any employee. Sometimes accidents happen, there are a lot of things that could cause an accident to happen on the job… We do work with the County for safety training to educate employees on the safest ways to do things. In addition, I handle disability, and FMLA,” she said.

Judy also has a different side to her job – filling the role of the lead negotiator when the contracts are up with the three collective bargaining unions: The Police, Fire Department, and Civil Service Employee Association (CSCA). In that role, she represents the city as opposed to representing the employees.

One of the challenges of Judy’s job is filling positions that have been vacated due to retirement. The City of Glens Falls is experiencing what Judy describes as a “Tsunami of retirements”: “These are big shoes to fill. These are people who have a lot of institutional knowledge… The Fire Chief retired after thirty years, that is a lot of institutional knowledge that has left us,” she said.

Hiring for a municipality has its specific challenges: “Under the Civil Service laws, jobs have very specific minimum qualifications… There are civil service exams, and if the exam isn’t being offered, the position is filled in a provisional role, with the expectation that the individual will take the exam when it is offered… This is very different from the private sector. Municipal jobs are good jobs, especially if people are thinking about the long term… These are jobs with a pension, a monthly pension check at the end of your career,” She said.

Over her tenure as the Human Resources Director, Judy has seen generational shifts occur in the workforce: “The intergenerational work philosophies shift and change… How we look at a job and the perceptions of different generations shift over time. It’s about retaining help, and currently the workforce is focused on quality of life aspects of work, which may include working remotely. It’s not necessarily about the money. I’m thankful that the Mayor is open to the idea of looking for new ways to retain employees,” she said.

Judy believes that part of her role is to be in the office, approachable, and available to employees: “I don’t want to lose touch with the employees. The questions and concerns that they have are important… I like to be available if someone wants to pop-in or make an appointment,” she said. 

Judy enjoys her work at City Hall, and loves the community of Glens Falls: “I love the city. I grew up in Glens Falls and lived in Syracuse for a bit, but when we were talking about raising a family, my husband and I both knew that we wanted to raise our family here… It’s a great place to live, and we’re excited to see the renaissance that is happening in the city and where it will go from here,” she said.