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Belonging is the Secret to Retention

Retention is a big stressor in our businesses today. Google “how to retain employees in 2024,” and you’ll get more than 93 million search results full of excellent insights and recommendations. With countless strategies and endless advice, though, the task of retaining your employees can feel overwhelming. That’s why I encourage you to view all your efforts and initiatives through a single lens: that of creating a sense of belonging.

The Critical Importance of Belonging

As people, we want to belong – to feel that we are accepted and appreciated, to know that we can be authentic and honest, to believe that what we do is important and valued… Give that to your employees, and retention will not be an issue because people will feel like they belong.

Many Strategies Contribute to Belonging

Although it may not be apparent at first, many retention strategies have developing a sense of belonging as one of their aims. For instance, recognizing and rewarding employees for a job well done, creating opportunities for career development and growth, and resourcing employees so they can succeed in their roles all promote belonging.

The Foundation of Belonging

Identifying and living out your core values is one of the greatest ways you can create a sense of belonging. As you act on your core values day by day, you build a culture that is defined by those values. When someone “fits” that culture – that is, they align with your core values – they automatically feel a strong sense of belonging. Every interaction they participate in, every decision they make or are affected by, every communication they are party to reflects the company’s core values, reinforces the corporate culture, and reassures them that they belong.

Transformation Through Belonging

One of my clients discovered this secret to great retention. Within the past few years, this CEO has given clarity and consistency to his company’s core values… So much so, in fact, that he is attracting top talent – sometimes from across the country. He has heard employees assure new hires that they will love the job and the company because the core values are the real deal. Employees are willing to drive long commutes, bypassing job opportunities that are closer to home, for the joy of working there.

Why? It’s simple… It’s where they belong.

Making the Call: Deciding When to Use Outsourced Marketing

I’m going to start by telling you a little bit about yourself:

You’re a relatively new business owner, in the early phases of hanging your own shingle and setting out to do a better job than any of the bosses you’ve had before. You’re not just good at what you do – you’re excellent at it. But very quickly, you’re discovering just how different it is to run a business that does or produces the thing that you’re good at – in other words, you’re realizing how much work it’s going to take to really make your business succeed. At this point, you may be thinking, “What did I get myself into?” But what you should be thinking is, “Let’s do this!!”

This is a very, very common path for new business owners. It takes a different skill set to be an expert in a field than it does to run a business. And as your business grows, you, as a business owner, are going to have to start making tough decisions about where your time is spent. Luckily, plenty of resources are available to help this transition.

As I started my own journey into entrepreneurship, this was exactly what I went through. Forming a graphic design company in the halcyon pre-pandemic era, I thought, “This is great. I’ll just draw and color all day and I’ll make plenty of money to support myself.” I didn’t plan on all the little things – going to the bank, attending networking events, some bizarre thing called “bookkeeping”… the list was extensive. It’s easy to see all those steps now, 7 years later, with the benefit of 20-20 hindsight. But back then? It was like trying to piece together an endless Rubix cube. Fortunately, I learned what many other successful business owners have learned – this is not a road that you take alone. The key for me was simple: I started outsourcing.

First, it was my books. That was an easy call. I hate bookkeeping, I’m not good at it, and I’m not willing to invest the time it would take for me to improve my skill. But I also know how critical that function is to any business. Next was payroll, then accounting… Before long, I was back in the driver’s seat and able to focus on the core business, able to focus on sales, and able to continue a positive growth trend.

It’s common for people to hear the term “outsourcing” and immediately think of some huge Walmart-sized call center. But that’s not the case. When I use that word, I’m talking about using local companies to augment what I can’t afford to hire full-time. By leveraging the strength of our business community, and the expertise right next door, that’s when we can truly unlock our full potential.

At Five Towers Media, we are set up to be the outsourced marketing partner for growing businesses. It’s where we excel, and it’s where we find our best partnerships. So let’s take a few minutes to explore the benefits of outsourcing, and why that could be a great fit for your business.


We’ll start with what we know: marketing is crucial to any business, new or established, as it helps spread the word about your services or products and expands your customer base. However, not every small business owner has the time or expertise to effectively manage marketing tasks. Do you know the basics of website creation and management? Are you familiar with the principles of graphic design for advertisements? What’s a good monthly budget for paid Google ads? What the heck is a throughline? This is where outsourcing to a small marketing agency comes into play.

When you partner with a small marketing agency, you gain access to a team of experts who live and breathe marketing. These professionals are up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and technologies necessary to craft successful strategies tailored to your business needs. Whether it’s SEO (search engine optimization), social media marketing, or content creation, these specialists can elevate your brand’s presence in your target market. Imagine for just a minute what it would cost to hire that team full-time… From employee salaries to benefits, not to mention the hiring & retention cycle, it can be a significant drain on your company pocketbook. Is it too much work for one person? Too little? What if they need support? Heck, what if they’re on vacation?

An outsourced marketing department solves those problems. The team is entirely “on-demand,” working when you authorize it and not a minute more. The hiring and retention? That’s on them. Slow month in accounts receivable? You can just hit a temporary pause button—try doing that with a full-time salaried employee. Your marketing partner is supposed to fit within your budget, providing net-positive value to your business. Services can be precisely tailored to your needs and goals, and the team (as a whole) will have many times the knowledge and experience of a single in-house employee. After all, “None of us is as smart as all of us.”

Your TIME is Your MONEY

For any small business owner, time is a form of currency in and of itself. Outsourcing your marketing frees up your schedule to focus on core business activities while the agency handles the complexities of marketing campaigns. The agency takes your direction and can manage mostly self-sufficiently, freeing you from micromanagement or having to learn yet another set of tasks that take you even further away from your core specialty.

This time-saving aspect becomes even more critical during peak business periods or major product launches, when your attention is needed most elsewhere in the business. Marketing agencies can handle the increased workload without the need for you to hire additional staff or redirect existing staff from critical tasks. You can scale your marketing efforts up or down based on business performance, seasonal demands, or budget changes. That flexibility is crucial for small businesses that need to pivot quickly in response to market conditions. This sort of elasticity is nearly impossible with full-time hires.

Moreover, because agencies work with a variety of clients, they have access to pricing tiers and tools that individual businesses might find cost-prohibitive. They can offer more for your marketing dollar, from bulk buying ad space to accessing premium-level services at a lower cost due to their broader client base. Their experience over varied industries gives them an edge in seeing first-hand what works and what doesn’t, providing you with valuable insights into your own strategy.


The foundation of any successful partnership lies in shared values and vision. When selecting a marketing agency, it’s crucial that they grasp and align with your business ethos. This alignment ensures that every marketing strategy they develop acts as an authentic extension of your brand identity. Agencies that resonate with your business values can more effectively craft messages that appeal to your ideal customer base, enhancing customer loyalty and brand integrity. For instance, if your business prioritizes sustainability, working with an agency that has experience in eco-friendly campaigns and communicates these values can make a significant difference in how your brand is perceived.

Speaking of communication, an effective strategy in this area is also key to any successful outsourcing relationship. Opt for an agency that not only has structured processes for regular updates but also values openness and responsiveness. Agencies that prioritize transparent communication will keep you informed about the progress of your marketing campaigns and any challenges that arise. This should include access to performance metrics and a clear breakdown of how your budget is being utilized. Regular meetings, comprehensive reports, and the availability of your account manager for queries should be part of the service agreement. This transparency builds trust and allows you to feel more connected to the process, ensuring that the marketing strategies remain true to your objectives.

It’s important to keep in mind that marketing is very much a “show me” industry and less a “tell me” industry. What does that mean for you? Seek out a proven track record. An agency’s portfolio and case studies are windows into their practical capabilities and expertise. By examining their previous work, you can gauge the breadth and depth of their experience. Look for variety and creativity in their projects, but also consider relevance to your own industry. Agencies that showcase successful case studies in your sector or have a history of overcoming similar business challenges can be particularly beneficial. These examples also demonstrate the agency’s ability to measure and deliver results, giving you a concrete basis for expecting them to replicate similar success with your campaigns.

Lastly, the ideal marketing agency understands that each small business is unique, with its own set of challenges and goals. Therefore, a flexible approach tailored to your specific needs is essential. The agency should be willing to adjust their standard services to better suit your objectives, whether that involves focusing more intensely on digital marketing, crafting a localized outreach plan, or integrating new marketing technologies.

Additionally, they should be agile enough to respond to changes in your business environment or shifts in the market by adjusting strategies and tactics without losing momentum. Customization in this way not only ensures that the marketing efforts feel personal and targeted but also maximizes your return on investment by addressing the most effective areas for growth.

Closing Thoughts

Outsourcing your marketing can be a game-changer for your small business. It allows you to focus on what you do best—running your business—while experts take care of spreading the word to attract and retain customers. The decision to partner with a small marketing agency like ours not only provides access to specialized skills and knowledge but also offers a cost-effective solution to grow your brand and reach your goals. By considering the benefits and choosing the right agency, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are in good hands, allowing you to reapnthe rewards of professional expertise and innovative strategies tailored just for you.

I’d encourage you to schedule an introductory meeting with Five Towers Media to see if we’re the right fit for you and your business!

ARCC Provides Educational Opportunities for Business Community with Panel Discussions

The mission of the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce is to support our business community through advocacy, education, connection, and collaboration advocacy, education, connection, and collaboration… And the Chamber seriously caught the “education” bug when three of its four councils held educational panel discussions in the span of about two weeks.

The good news is The good news is each event tailored to a different audience and fulfilled the mission of the ARCC providing educational opportunities for the business community. On April 30th, the Adirondack Nonprofit Business Council (ANBC) of the ARCC hosted a panel discussion on planned giving and legacy donations. After receiving feedback from nonprofits that many of them did not currently have a planned giving program, it was realized that this topic would be valuable. The ANBC assembled a panel of local experts from the nonprofit side, legal and wealth management perspectives.

Cindy Sherwood, Vice President of Development at Glens Falls Hospital, and Robin DeMattos, Director of Development & Donor Experiences at Double H Ranch, shared their experiences working with donors on planned giving. Both shared stories and scenarios and came to the same conclusion – that it’s about establishing good relationships with your donors.

To round out the discussion, the panel also featured Jessica R. Botelho, Esq., Founder of Botelho Law PLLC, and Marilyn R. Kraus, CTFA, Vice President and Trust and Wealth Services Manager, Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company to provide their expertise. All in all it was a well-rounded discussion to almost 50 attendees at The Queensbury Hotel.

Jumping into the month of May, the ARCC Workplace Health & Wellness Council hosted an event on Workplace Wellness: From Head to Toe, featuring a panel of local experts to discuss mental health and wellbeing, physical activity, and nutrition in the workplace. A lot of the discussion featured available resources in our communities, as well as healthy reminders on how to take care of our minds and bodies. Susan McManus, Executive Director of the Adirondack EAP, Cathy Reichen Director of Health & Safety at Glens Falls Hospital, and Lindsey Brainerd Community Health Outreach Coordinator at Comfort Food Community shared their expertise on working with employers and employees on overall health. The conversation was facilitated by Erin Krivitski, PsyD and Workplace Health Strategist with CDPHP. One of the key takeaways focused on being kind to yourself, and realizing that even the smallest changes can make a big difference in your mental and physical health. The ARCC Workplace Health & Wellness Council remains dedicated to advancing its commitment to developing and sustaining a culture of wellness in the business community.

To round out the panel discussions, the Women’s Business Council of the ARCC hosted their annual SUCCESSion Summit in the Carriage House of the Fort William Henry Hotel. This year’s panel featured: Michelle Matan, CFP – Matan Wealth Partners-Rockefeller Capital Management, Sherry Finkel Murphy CFP®, RICP®, ChFC® – Madrina Molly, LLC, Wendy Waldron – Certified EOS Implementer, Brian Stidd CPA, CVA -Stidd CPA, PLLC, Vittoria Buzzelli Associate at Harter Secrest & Emery LLP, and ARCC President & CEO Tricia Rogers as facilitator.

The conversation was a continuation from previous SUCCESSion Summits, revolving around continuity planning for businesses. In a region rich with family-owned, and small-medium sized businesses, it’s important to create a culture of regular succession planning and development to ensure our community’s businesses continue to grow and thrive. Each year, this event strives to provide education and resources for our business owner community that will help them lead and succeed into the future. This year’s panelists highlighted the importance of identifying the right people for business owners to surround themselves with to successfully lead for years to come. It was a robust conversation with takeaways, and the hope is that the conversation will continue.

If there’s one thing the ARCC has learned through hosting these events, it is that our region has an amazing pool of expertise and talent, and we are so grateful for it.

Buying Local – S2E11: Real Food for Real People

Buying Local Glens Falls

S2E11: Real Food for Real People

Welcome to Buying Local!

Saratoga, Warren, and Washington County have no shortage of fantastic goods and services to offer! In this podcast, our host Mike Nelson will clue you in on the amazing gems hidden in your very own community!

Real Food for Real People

Season 2, Episode 11

In this episode, our host Mike Nelson interviews Stephen Zabala, the nutrition master and founder of Greenfork!

Being mindful of where your food comes from is more important than ever in our corn syruped, food-dyed modern world… Greenfork beats the supermarket by providing real, nutrient-dense food to clients all around Saratoga. Get the full scoop on Greenfork’s approach to nutrition here in this episode!

00:00 – Intro

00:21 – CP Ad: Call RASP Inc. Today!

01:00 – Show Begins: What’s New at Greenfork?

01:53 – That Radio Voice, That Vocal Fry

02:20 – A Worthwhile Gamble

03:20 – The Future of Nutrition

04:38 – Everyone Needs a Jamie

05:02 – What Makes a Food Nutrient-Dense?

07:20 – Factory-Farm Food is Filler! Some Scary Information

09:36 – Pig Farming is Horrific…

11:14 – Waste Disposal isn’t Always Easy!

12:40 – Kyle, Where You At?

14:41 – Jiu Jitsu: Climbing Up the Ranks

16:02 – Throwback: Check out the Atlas Jiu Jitsu Episode!

16:24 – The Wilton Mall… Comeback Incoming?

17:53 – What’s On the Menu?

20:02 – That USDA Label Costs a LOT of Money!

21:57 – Keeping Kosher: An Old Tale

23:11 – The Creative Cook

25:56 – Burnout is Real: How Mike and Stephen Face Its Challenges

30:37 – Third Time’s the Charm: The Only Way Out is Through

32:30 – The Three-Day Turnaround: Order Out of Chaos

33:24 – East Beats West

35:11 – Service-Based Business Scaling: Replicating in Mass is Tough!

37:35 – How You Eat is How You Feel

40:20 – Protein-Based, Bread-Rejecting Diet: Mike the Localvore

42:46 – All-Natural, Free-Range, Organic… Mean Nothing. Chemicals Run Deep

45:51 – Start With the Basics

47:52 – The Wrong Climate Crisis is Being Focused on!

49:17 – Family Jiu Jitsu

50:02 – How to Get in Touch: eatgreenfork.com

50:47 – Closing Remarks

51:06 – CP Ad: Call Cerrone Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Today!

51:28 – Closer

PRODUCTION NOTE: The opinions reflected in this podcast are not indicative of the views of Saratoga Business Report, SaratogaBride.com LLC, Saratoga TODAY, Glens Falls TODAY Business Report, or Five Towers Media.


  • Host

    Michael Nelson

  • Guest

    Stephen Zabala

  • Runtime

    51 min, 50 sec

  • Air Date

    May 27th, 2024


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Buying Local – S2E10: Atlas Jiu Jitsu – Anyone Can Roll!

Buying Local Glens Falls

S2E10: Atlas Jiu Jitsu – Anyone Can Roll!

Welcome to Buying Local!

Saratoga, Warren, and Washington County have no shortage of fantastic goods and services to offer! In this podcast, our host Mike Nelson will clue you in on the amazing gems hidden in your very own community!

Atlas Jiu Jitsu – Anyone Can Roll!

Season 2, Episode 10

In this episode, our host Mike Nelson interviews Joe “Josferatu” Zakriski from Atlas Jiu Jitsu! Joe’s been rolling with the best of them for 18 years, but he’s only worked out of Atlas Jiu Jitsu for 8… How did he come to run Atlas in South Glens Falls? How did the business rise and fall (and rise again) during the COVID pandemic? What does jiu jitsu have to offer? Hear the answers to these questions and many more by tuning in to this episode!

00:00 – Titles

00:21 – Community Partner Ad: Thoroughbred Advisors

01:23 – Show Begins: An Introduction to Joe Zakriski, AKA Josferatu!

03:11 – Atlas Jiu Jitsu: Why South Glens Falls Was the Right Choice

08:00 – Eight Years and Going Strong

09:10 – Nurses Know: COVID was a Tough Time!

12:51 – The Post-COVID Boom: Numbers Double!

14:18 – Spider-Man Battles Bullying

17:12 – Jiu Jitsu: The Right Choice! No Off-Season, Great Conditioning, Breaks Screen Addiction!

20:20 – The Nelson Jiu Jitsu Clan

20:51 – The Non-Striking Art: Controlled Deescalation

22:36 – Law Enforcement can Benefit, Too!

23:58 – Ten Years from White to Black… But Even White Belt Knows Useable Tech!

26:04 – New Students Funnel In! Can Muscleheads Compete?

30:42 – A Diverse, Solid Group: Women, Kids, Anyone Can Learn!

33:06 – Grappling Industries Coming Up!

35:00 – Tournament Strategy: Competitiveness is Your Choice!

37:02 – What’s Next? Expansion Plans

39:00 – Jiu Jitsu Health Benefits: Release That Cortisol!

40:51 – Two Classes a Week Can Work Wonders: Practitioners and Competitors Alike!

43:29 – How to Get in Touch and Get Started

46:11 – A Sneak Peak of a Future Episode!

47:26 – Closing Remarks

48:26 – Community Partner Ad: The Eden Center for Integrative Care

48:56 – Ending

PRODUCTION NOTE: The opinions reflected in this podcast are not indicative of the views of Saratoga Business Report, SaratogaBride.com LLC, Saratoga TODAY, Glens Falls TODAY Business Report, or Five Towers Media.


  • Host

    Michael Nelson

  • Guest

    Joe Zakriski

  • Runtime

    49 min, 18 sec

  • Air Date

    May 20th, 2024


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Blue Collar StartUp – Episode 55: Cracking Open Cold Ones at Cornell’s

In this episode, our hosts Mike Nelson and Derek Foster talk with Mike Colvett and Casey Cornell of Cornell’s Auto Parts!

Cornell’s is doing something very special… They boast the claim that their auto operation is heavily recycling-based, reusing car oil, parts, metal, carpeting, and more from their cars! How is this possible? How did they get started doing this? Hear the answers to those questions and many more by listening to this episode HERE!

Blue Collar StartUp – Episode 54: Taking the “Side” out of “Side Hustle”

In this episode, our hosts Mike Nelson and Derek Foster interview Josh Brown and Zach Moore of Brown Design & Construction!

Both of them have other full-time jobs that they still take part in… And yet, the side hustle they started up out of curiosity has taken off like wildfire! What’s their secret to success? How do they balance work responsibilities? What’s their training? Find out the answers by tuning in to this episode HERE!

Cornell’s Used Auto Parts Hosts Successful Car Show Benefiting Double H Ranch

GREENFIELD, NY – A vibrant showcase of automotive history and culture unfolded at Cornell’s Used Auto Parts in Greenfield this past weekend, where the local community gathered for their 2nd annual Car Show. The event featured an impressive array of vehicles ranging from meticulously restored early 20th-century classics to the latest models, with a special emphasis on American muscle cars.

Building on last year’s success, this year’s show highlighted standout examples of iconic classics from the golden age of American auto manufacturing, with a wide range of Pontiacs, Chevrolets, Chryslers, and Fords, drawing enthusiasts and casual admirers alike. The gleaming chrome and revving engines of classic muscle cars such as the Ford Mustang and the Chevrolet Chevelle SS turned the venue into a thrilling time capsule of US-made automotive prowess. While plenty of other manufacturers were featured, it was the domestic steel that truly stole the show.

Awards were handed out for Best in Show for multiple categories, including modern, classic, and muscle cars, as well as an overall winner. “We are thrilled with the turnout and the enthusiasm from the community,” said Mike Colvett, General Manager of Cornell’s Used Auto Parts. “It’s a great way to celebrate our love for cars while supporting a fantastic cause.”

Cornell’s is no stranger to community-building, as they continue to grow their network of customers – both individuals and businesses such as dealerships – by providing reliable, low-cost parts that are also eco-friendly. That simple formula, combined with Cornell’s steadfast dedication to customer service, is the engine that drives their success.

The event not only served as a celebration of automobile heritage but also as a charitable gathering, successfully raising over $6,400 for Double H Ranch. Located in Lake Luzerne, Double H Ranch provides specialized programs and year-round support for children and their families dealing with life-threatening illnesses.

Attendees were treated to more than just a display of iconic cars. The event included a live DJ, a grill manned by the Cornell’s crew themselves, and a family-friendly atmosphere, giving gear-heads of all ages and experience levels a chance to enjoy the afternoon.

The car show also offered an opportunity for local auto enthusiasts to share stories and knowledge about restoration techniques and automotive history. “These events are crucial in keeping the spirit of classic American cars alive,” noted Jake Richards, a participant and car restorer.

As Cornell’s Car Show grows each year, it continues to attract more participants and spectators, each adding to the fabric of this unique community event. With the dual appeal of celebrating automotive history and supporting a noble cause, Cornell’s Used Auto Parts Car Show has cemented its place as a much-anticipated local tradition.

Looking forward to next year, Cornell plans to expand the event with even more cars and activities to continue supporting the vital work done by Double H Ranch. “Seeing the community come together, sharing their passion for cars while helping others, is what makes all the effort worth it,” Colvett concluded.

For those who missed this year’s show, plans are already underway for next year’s event, promising to be bigger and even more engaging.

To learn more about Cornell’s Used Auto Parts in Greenfield Center, visit their website at cornellsusedautoparts.com

Buying Local – S2E9: Raw Milk Revolution

Buying Local Glens Falls

S2E9: Raw Milk Revolution

Welcome to Buying Local!

Saratoga, Warren, and Washington County have no shortage of fantastic goods and services to offer! In this podcast, our host Mike Nelson will clue you in on the amazing gems hidden in your very own community!

Raw Milk Revolution

Season 2, Episode 9

In this episode, our host Mike Nelson interviews Chuck and Sarah Curtiss, husband-and-wife team behind the Willow Marsh Farm and storefront! Their fifth-generation farm offers a special option that nobody else nearby yet does – the production and sale, direct to consumers, of raw milk and raw milk products, including cheese, yogurt and more… What’s the deal with raw milk? How is it made? Is it safe to drink? Why do so few farms produce it? Hear the answers to those questions and many more here, in this stellar episode!

00:00 – Intro & Ad

01:00 – Show Begins, Introductions

01:52 – An Introduction to Willow Marsh Farm, and the Curtiss Family

04:07 – Fifth Generation! A History

05:26 – The Government “Helps”

08:00 – Let’s Build a Store

09:15 – Inflation Drives the Public Home

10:04 – Discovering Raw Milk, and Breaking the Myths

14:30 – Pasteurization-Intolerance: Are You REALLY Allergic to Milk?

17:12 – Rediscovering the Good of the Past… And Rejecting Factory Processes

18:41 – Farm Awareness Needs to Spread! Local is Best!

22:09 – The Utility of Cheese Whey

22:46 – Expansion Plans

22:54 – Vertical Integration: Every Piece of the Process

27:00 – Investing in the Future

29:00 – The Best Pigs of All

31:19 – Social Media: The Informative Tool

32:02 – The Horror of Factory Farming

33:21 – The Price of that USDA Stamp

34:55 – Rise Above the Storm

36:29 – Building is Easy… Staffing is Hard

37:54 – “Pig” Stands for Pain In the Gluteus!

39:12 – Misleading Labels: “Organic” and “Farm-Raised” Don’t Mean Much!

41:59 – The Country of Origin Law Really is CoOL!

43:54 – Say No to Greenwashing!

44:46 – Get the Good Stuff: RealMilk.com

47:29 – “We Can’t?”

49:35 – The Bronx Farmers’ Market

50:40 – Where’s All the Chuck’s Cheddar?!

52:11 – There’s Plenty of Room for All of Us!

54:26 – The Cheesemonger’s Eye

55:46 – How to Get in Touch: willow-marshfarmstore.com

56:37 – Closing Remarks

PRODUCTION NOTE: The opinions reflected in this podcast are not indicative of the views of Saratoga Business Report, SaratogaBride.com LLC, Saratoga TODAY, Glens Falls TODAY Business Report, or Five Towers Media.


  • Host

    Michael Nelson

  • Guests

    Chuck & Sara Curtiss

  • Runtime

    57 min, 31 sec

  • Air Date

    May 6th, 2024


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Buying Local – S2E8: Momentum Makers – Moving Forward

Buying Local Glens Falls

S2E8: Momentum Makers – Moving Forward

Welcome to Buying Local!

Saratoga, Warren, and Washington County have no shortage of fantastic goods and services to offer! In this podcast, our host Mike Nelson will clue you in on the amazing gems hidden in your very own community!

Momentum Makers – Moving Forward

Season 2, Episode 8

In this episode, our host Mike Nelson pairs with cleaning mastermind Steven Boxley to interview Kevin Hinman, co-founder of Momentum Makers!

Kevin’s mission is bringing faith-based principles to workplaces across the nation… But the lessons he teaches can be applied to any organization, secular or not. And the results speak for themselves – companies typically see much better culture, customer retention, higher profits, and more! Listen to this episode to find out what Momentum Makers might have to offer you!

00:00 – Opening & Ad

00:43 – Show Begins: Introductions

01:29 – What is Momentum Makers?

02:08 – What They Bring to the Table

03:45 – Christian Principles: Picking Up Momentum

07:34 – Standing Out Amongst the Competitors

09:08 – “The Lights Come On”

11:45 – Christian-Based, Secular-Friendly

13:25 – Fail Fast, Fail Forward… And Work With the Right People

16:44 – Combatants Lose Squadmates!

17:33 – The Soul Recognizes Kindness

20:25 – What Constitutes a Mid-Sized Company? Why That Size Works Best for Momentum

23:06 – Feedback is Transformative

25:22 – Communication is the Word

27:03 – When Barking Becomes Biting

28:57 – Communication Theory: Eight Different Quadrants!

30:17 – Long-Form vs. Short-Form Communication… Medium Matters!

32:29 – Self-Assessment Skills: Know Thineself

34:40 – DI vs. SC: The Fight of the Century

35:59 – The DISC Gold Mine

38:04 – Professionalism, Ethics, & More

41:05 – The Christianity Problem

42:49 – Timeless, Profound Advice

45:44 – Good Mentoring is VERY Different From Bad

47:49 – “I’m Not Doing This”: From Bad Leadership to Good

49:43 – 48 Laws of Power… Stink!

51:00 – Starting Small

53:36 – How to Get in Touch: momentum-makers.com

54:45 – Closing Remarks

PRODUCTION NOTE: The opinions reflected in this podcast are not indicative of the views of Saratoga Business Report, SaratogaBride.com LLC, Saratoga TODAY, Glens Falls TODAY Business Report, or Five Towers Media.


  • Host

    Michael Nelson

  • Guests

    Steven Boxley & Kevin Hinman

  • Runtime

    56 min, 23 sec

  • Air Date

    April 29th, 2024


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