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Co-Ed Pick-Up Field Hockey at The Dome

ADKSC Pick-Up Field Hockey

The Adirondack Sports Complex – better known as “The Dome” – is a multi-sport facility located at 326 Sherman Ave in Queensbury. One of the programs that The Dome features is co-ed pick up field hockey; people of all ages and skill levels meet once a week and play field hockey for an hour and a half. This program has varied in participation over the years… Jeff Rocas started out when the program was at its height. “We had so many players that I was in charge of substitutions” he said.

It wasn’t until attendance numbers began to dwindle that he picked up a stick himself. Jeff found a love of field hockey when his daughter Alyssa began playing the sport. As Alyssa’s high school career came to a close, Jeff took over the Gloverville Youth Field Hockey Program.  

Jeff makes the trip from Gloversville each week to play: “It’s hard to find places to play, so I make the drive. There are other players that come from the Albany area. We drive so that we can play. We have a good group here, and it’s fun and everyone is friendly.” 

Currently, the pick-up field hockey league has about eight to ten players a week. “We are always posting on Facebook to try and get more players. College kids come home and play during their breaks, people who played in high school play because they miss the sport, and boyfriends play with their girlfriends. It’s just fun.”

This week (most likely due to the holidays) there are four sets of parents playing with their children: “That is always fun to see. I play with Alyssa when she’s home, but to have four sets of parents playing with their children is wild.” Co-ed pick up field hockey plays on Thursday nights, from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM. For more information, go to adirondacksortscomplex.com, or ADKSC Pick-Up Field Hockey’s Facebook page.