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Faces of City Hall: Patrick Dowd

Patrick Dowd is the Community Development Director for the City of Glens Falls. He has an amiable demeanor, and a rich knowledge and understanding of systems and tools available to the City of Glens Falls through Block Grants… Block Grants are allocated for a wide range of services. Through these grants, the office of Community Development offers housing rehabilitation grants and loans as well as other services for low-to-moderate income homeowners. 

“… In March of 2022, when I arrived, between my office and the economic development director’s office we had 27 or 28 grants that were in various stages of completion. Between the death of Ed Bartholomew and COVID, a significant number of projects were put on hold,” Dowd said. 

“A big part of my job is that I am the Community Development Block Grant Administrator… The City of Glens Falls is an entitlement community. We are the only city in the Glens Falls MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) in Warren and Washington Counties, and because we are the only city, HUD (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) gives us a certain amount of money every year to go towards different programs to support low and moderate income residents.” Dowd said.

The City of Glens Falls has a concentration of non-profit support groups that help a wide variety of people: “These organizations support people that need it, and the city helps to support them with part of the block grant… So my responsibility is to make sure that the money is being spent correctly,” Dowd said.  

The programs are set up to help specific people: “HUD requires that each organization sends a report with an invoice that breaks down who we helped. The information that is reported includes the number of people and this is how they were helped,” Dowd said.

“At this point, for a family of 4, low income is $72,000 a year. 50% of the median income in the area is $45,000, and for some families income is lower… $30 to $40-thousand a year for a family of four.” Dowd said.

Patrick Dowd understands the importance of his role at city hall, and the importance of the work that he is doing: “I am honored to be able to run the program to use the money to help all of these people. The area median income for the Glens Falls MSA is $90,000 so these are people that make much less than that,” he said. 

Dowd sees the incredible need in the community, and is working to do more for them… For instance, with the Emergency Rehab Program; an income-qualifying program traditionally helps elderly or disabled homeowners with emergency repairs: “An example would be that it’s February and the homeowner’s furnace goes out, or it’s in the late part of the year and their hot water tank goes out. We have an emergency repair program. The City will pay for the replacement at no cost to the homeowner,” he said.

Dowd manages grants that help keep people in their homes, and grants that help people purchase a home as well – The Home Purchasing Grant Program, another income-qualifying program, sets the top price of a house that can be purchased at $231,000. The money in this program goes to closing costs and down payment assistance… To meet all of the qualifications for this program, there are credit council and certification programs that have to be completed. The City of Glens Falls has about a dozen people who have qualified for the program, and has completed three of these this year.

There are also other aspects of the role of the Community Development Director… Dowd is working on a plan to re-create a walking path along Pruyn’s Island. The improvements could give people an opportunity to sit and fish along the path… There is also a plan to provide walking trails through Cole’s Woods. This walking trail would allow people to walk through the woods comfortably and safely. 

Patrick Dowd understands the importance of maintaining accessible recreation in the Area of Glens Falls – Dowd and his seven sisters and one brother spent time in Glens Falls and Lake George while he was growing up. He has now lived in Glens Falls for 24 years, and his own children went to Glens Falls Schools.

Patrick Dowd also holds leadership positions outside of his role at city hall – he is the CEO of The Greater Glens Falls Local Development Corporation. This corporation helps support local businesses and their growth and development. He has also been appointed CEO of The Glens Falls Urban Renewal Agency – this agency gets properties back onto the tax rolls.

For more information, please visit cityofglensfalls.com.