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Glens Falls Declares Snow Emergency

 A “Snow Emergency” has been declared in the City of Glens Falls, beginning 8:00 PM Monday, March 13th, and ending 8:00 AM Wednesday, March 15th, acting Mayor Jim Clark has announced. Mayor Collins is out of town until later this week.

The National Weather Service is forecasting eight to 12 inches of snowfall between now and Wednesday morning, with higher accumulations just beyond the city limits. The wind will also be a factor, as wind gusts could exceed 30 to 35 miles per hour; this means blowing and drifting snow will also be an issue.

During a Snow Emergency in Glens Falls, on-street parking is banned to allow plow crews to clear away the snow, and to allow emergency vehicles to travel unimpeded.  Also, during a Snow Emergency, non-urgent vehicular traffic is discouraged.

If you must be out in a vehicle, safety experts recommend that you use extreme caution as the road conditions are unpredictable. They also recommend carrying emergency supplies in your car, including blankets, water, and food.  You should also make sure you dress in protective clothing and layers.

All residents within the City of Glens Falls should prepare for the possibility of power outages due to the combination of heavy, wet snow and strong, gusty winds. 

If you have a fire hydrant near your house or business, please assist the City of Glens Falls Fire Department by clearing the snow away from the hydrant.

Per Scott Sopczyk – Transportation Director of Greater Glens Falls Transit (GGFT) – the start of Regular Bus Service has been delayed from 6:30 AM to 8:00 AM. Streets within the City of Glens Falls are in pretty good shape, but roads outside the city limits may not be.

GGFT will continue to monitor the trends and re-access the start up time at 8:00 AM.

For more information regarding this or any other issue, please reach out via emailatcommunicationsdirector@cityofglensfalls.com or tdrawbridge@cityofglensfalls.com.