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Glens Falls to begin water main and hydrant flushing Oct. 17

GLENS FALLS — The City of Glens Falls will begin its scheduled water main and fire hydrant flushing program on Monday, Oct. 17, according to a press release from the city.

The program is part of efforts “to deliver the safest and highest quality water possible,” the release states. A clean water distribution system will reduce taste and odor issues, while hydrant flushing improves fire protection by testing water valves and hydrants. Water service should not be disrupted during the process. 

Flushing will start at the northwest corner of the city and proceed south to the Hudson River. The flushing process will remove mineral deposits that accumulate in water mains, flush sediments from mainline pipes, verify proper operation of fire hydrants and valves, find weaknesses in the water system, and check for closed valves and weak flows in the mains, according to the release.

The process will begin with larger water mains and progress to smaller mains. Valves are opened and closed to control the direction of the water.

The program typically takes 10-15 days, the release states, but could last longer if maintenance issues such as system leaks or water quality concerns arise. 

Areas affected by the flushing process will have signs placed throughout each neighborhood approximately 24 hours in advance, according to the release. Flushing notices will be printed in local newspapers and posted in municipal buildings in the city.

The flushing process will take place between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., with the release urging residents to use caution when traveling near hydrant flushing crews and while entering areas of water accumulation.

There will be temporary incidents of discolored water while fine sediment particles are washed out when fire hydrants are open. The release states that “there is no health hazard associated with the discolored water.” Residents should allow a few hours for discoloration to dissipate, and can verify water is clear by running a cold-water tap for several minutes.

If residents notice their water is discolored, they should run an outdoor hose or several cold-water faucets at the same time until water runs clear, according to the release, which also says to avoid using hot water if the water is discolored. 

Residents should also avoid doing laundry until the water is clear, and should not dry or bleach laundry if it has been stained by discolored water. Residents can contact the Water and Sewer Department at (518) 761-3850 if laundry becomes stained by discolored water, the release says.