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Strength in Numbers: MeetingPoint Professional Networking

In the dynamic world of business, the adage ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’ holds significant weight.

The essence of success often lies in the robustness and strength of professional networks. This is the cornerstone upon which MeetingPoint is built, a platform dedicated to fostering professional connections that spur relationship development, knowledge sharing, and business growth.

A Selective and Diverse Community

MeetingPoint’s membership comprises a distinguished array of professionals, including attorneys, CPAs, financial experts, select consultants, and various personal and business advisors. Our focus is on quality over quantity, admitting only a select group of professionals known for their niche expertise. This strategic diversity ensures a rich blend of knowledge and experience, providing an invaluable environment for collaboration and information exchange among our members.

Regional Presence & Expansion

With an established presence in the Capital Region and Upstate New York, MeetingPoint boasts four active chapters: Albany, Saratoga, Hudson Valley, and Glens Falls. This regional spread not only enhances our reach but also offers members a diverse array of perspectives and opportunities.

Our Vision: Creating Opportunities Through Engaging Activities

MeetingPoint is more than just a networking group; it’s a community focused on creating meaningful business opportunities. Our activities, ranging from meetings and events to insightful exercises, delve into the business personas of our members. We aim to transcend the traditional exchange of business cards, fostering an environment where connections are made naturally, free from the pressures of obligatory referrals.

Member Benefits:

  • Monthly Connection-Centric Meetings
    These gatherings are tailored to foster organic referrals and establish strong professional bonds. The emphasis is on achieving practical outcomes for all participants.
  • Network Expansion Opportunities
    Members are encouraged to attend meetings across different chapters, broadening their professional horizons and uncovering new growth opportunities.
  • Expert-Led Presentations
    Keeping members at the forefront of their fields, our presentations are more akin to TED Talks than traditional boardroom briefings. These sessions, led by members or guest speakers, offer actionable insights for professional advancement.
  • Social Engagements
    We organize casual yet strategically valuable networking events like happy hours, golf outings, and charity activities. These events are designed to strengthen connections in a relaxed atmosphere.

Join the MeetingPoint Community!

We are actively seeking new members within the following industries:

-Personal Injury Attorney
-Divorce Attorney
-Commercial Litigation Attorney
-Commercial Real Estate Professional
-Labor and Employment Attorney

If you’re a professional advisor looking to expand your network and influence, MeetingPoint could be your next strategic move.

MeetingPoint stands as a testament to the power of professional networking done right. By fostering an environment of diverse expertise and providing a variety of platforms for connection, we are redefining the way professionals collaborate and grow. Join us in this journey of creating enduring professional relationships and unlocking new business horizons.

Contact Charles Amodio of Ferraro, Amodio & Zarecki CPA’s for any questions: camodio@fazcpas.com or visit our website at meeting-point.us!