New Glens Falls Athletic Director: Building a Future With Help From the Past
The leaves on the trees along Quade street were showing the first hints of fall. The summer was winding towards its inevitable end. Attention naturally turns to the beginning of the school year, Glens Falls High School will see new faces in some of its top administrative positions. Among the new arrivals Shane Jones will be Athletic Director. He is taking over the position from recently retired Chip Corlew. Jones is open about replacing someone who had filled the position for almost two decades. “ I have big shoes to fill.” He said with an apprehensive smile. “But, Chip has been a great friend. He has been available to me anytime I need clarification on an issue. He is someone that I look up to and he has built a strong culture here.”
Corlew’s involvement in the transition has helped Jones immensely. “We have worked together to make the transition seamless. And expectations are high.” Jones said as he sits behind the desk of the office he is still moving into. “I started July first. It’s been a quick turn around.” Although Jones is confident in the program that he is taking over, there are changes he would like to make. “We would like to increase our social media presence, and find ways to highlight student achievements both on and off the field.” He said.
Jones, originally from Hudson Falls, is happy to have settled back into an area that is familiar. He knows the importance of the support that is offered by the Glens Falls Community. “The Grandstanders are awesome.” He said. They are the booster club that helps support the Glens Falls athletic program. They are a celebrated volunteer workforce raising money helping to provide quality experiences for student athletes.
Jones is happy with the participation in fall sports for his first year. “Of the seven fall sports that we have, only field hockey had to drop its J.V. program because of low participation.”
As the interview drew to a close Jones remarked on how exciting it would be to have the kids back in the facility. “It’s a bit spooky around here with the hallways quiet and the lights off.” He joked as he led the way through the darkened offices. After the interview Jones was heading over to the fields to watch the pre-season practices.