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The Season Is Changing But Our Leaves Should Stay Behind

Photo: Xerces Society / Justin Wheeler

Every year as the pages slip off the calendar we look forward to each new season in upstate New York. As the seasons change we change things around our homes and gardens. As fall gives way to winter the days are filled with the sounds of leaf blowers and rakes as people collect and bag up their fallen leaves. However, there is an alternative. If leaves are left on the ground to winter over there are benefits to the soil and to the insect population. 

 Every year lawns and gardens are tidied up and beneficial leaves end up in landfills. These leaves are essential for the survival of caterpillars,butterflies,moths,spiders and bees. Caterpillars and butterflies use leaf litter for protection against the cold and protection against predators. Bees that winter over 1-2 inches underground use leaves for an extra layer of heat.  According to the Soil Health Institute, increasing soil health can increase biodiversity, and agricultural productivity. 

 Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, explained these benefits in an article Leave the Leaves! Improve Soil Health and Habitat by Leaving Leaf Litter posted to their website, “They (leaves) cycle nutrients back into the soil, improving soil health. The decaying leaves add organic matter to the soil, providing nutrients for the microbial communities and improving the structure of the soil. Organic matter is an important component of soil, along with minerals, water, and air. Having an appropriate amount of organic matter in the soil ensures that it maintains a healthy structure, with space for movement of air, water, and soil microbes. Fungi and bacteria in the soil work to break down plant matter, making the nutrients available to growing plants.”

When leaves and yard trimmings are bagged up and taken to landfill their nutrients do not go back into the soil. These trimmings  take up space in landfills, and let’s not forget they add to the chore list. People do like to have their yards and gardens look neat and tidied. In this case collect the leaves and use them as mulch around your garden beds. This keeps the nutrients in the ecosystem where they came from.