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Top 5 Things to Protect Your Physical & Mental Health While Running a Small Business

As a small business owner, one thing we understand is the importance of time management. 

Even with meticulous planning of our days, we can quickly find our lists of “To Do’s” pile up faster than we can blink, and we can find ourselves stressed out in the moment. What does stress do to our physical and mental health? When we experience stress in prolonged periods of time our physical and mental health suffers. We start to feel the effects of stress in not being able to concentrate, experiencing digestive issues, our heartbeat may rise along with other tightness and tension in various areas of our body. These symptoms indicate a dysregulation in our nervous system and our body needs a reset. 

When stress happens here are five things you can do to help with all the emotions and overwhelming thoughts you may experience. 

1. Sleep 

Adults should strive for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Studies show anything less than 6 hours a night can cause mental distress. The first question I ask when beginning an initial therapy session with someone is how their sleep is. Did you know that REM sleep is what restores and heals our mind and body? So without adequate sleep our body and mind cannot function at full capacity. 

2. Sunlight 

Improves our physical and mental health. Research shows that the sun provides our mind and body with Vitamin D for bone health, increases serotonin for a calm mood, and melatonin for adequate sleep. We need 15-20 minutes of sunlight a day for optimal health. Living in the northeast we experience long, gloomy winters. To help make sure we get adequate sunlight, buying a Light Therapy Lamp is highly effective to supplement the dark, frigid days. I use this lamp in my office daily to ensure I am getting what I need in vital nutrients. 

3. Unplug and Get Moving 

Put your phone and other electronic devices on “do not disturb,” and take a 20 minute walk. Unplugging from technology for 20 minutes and walking is a terrific way to reset our nervous system. 

4. Grounding Techniques 

Help people become aware of the present moment, by doing so an immediate reduction of the intensity of our emotions decreases. Our bodies react well before our brains catch up. When we engage in grounding techniques, we get our brain and nervous system communicating with one another. An example is utilizing your senses to get your mind and body communicating with one another in the present moment. For example, identifying three things you see, three things you hear, and three things you feel as in physical touch. Other grounding techniques that I teach are listening to music, breathing exercises, and guided imagery. 

5. Hobbies

 Doing things that bring us joy. To keep our peace in mind and body it is necessary for us to not lose sight of what energizes and rejuvenates us, so that we can keep moving forward to our next goals. So read for pleasure, engage in some art, do your favorite exercise or sport. Anything that brings peace and joy to your day is what enhances your nervous system to recognize these positive emotions. 

In conclusion, as entrepreneurs we have had to master the art of time management. By incorporating these five tips into our daily lives, we can build a solid routine that nourishes our physical and mental wellbeing. When we are our best version of ourselves, we can put all our creative drive and passion into the small businesses we love.

This article is a whole health approach and not meant to treat any specific diagnosis.  

Tandi Orluck, LCSW

Set Free Counseling, PLLC