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Top Three Reasons to Not Use ChatGPT

AI (artificial intelligence) is all the rage right now.

It seems like you cannot open an email, watch the news, or listen to a podcast without hearing something about AI. I am not an expert on all things AI; however, I have had the opportunity to conduct a few interviews on the subject, have done a fair amount of research, and in turn have formulated my opinions on the use and integration of AI into our everyday lives.

I want to state formally that I am not against AI or any form of technology that seems to be expanding and evolving at an ever increasing rate. However, I am against using AI or any tech just for the sake of using it. I believe that when it comes to many things, we (humans) often blunder into things without stopping to consider the repercussions – just look at social media if you want a previous
example, or giving cell phones and tablets to toddlers, cooking with non-stick pans, smoking cigarettes… The list goes on.
These things always seemed great at the time and we never stopped to look at the larger consequences of what we were doing or the things we were using. I don’t believe that AI is much different from any of these. There is this great new emerging technology that will be bringing this great benefit to all of us. What is that benefit? Like many things, it is probably going to make our lives easier, but at what cost? What are the longer term repercussions? Have we even stopped to think about it?

It’s important not to get confused by the term “Intelligence.” AI, as we know it today, is nothing more than predictive math. It does not think, it does not consider, it simply solves probability equations. In my experience, every math teacher I’ve ever had has advised — and many times mandated — that students check their work. AI is no different. We, the humans at the steering wheel, need to be the guiding presence for the technology.
As I said earlier, I am not against these things. Currently we employ many tools that are now considered AI. In fact, I’m scheduled to sit on an AI panel in March to discuss its uses in marketing. Whether it’s in ad platforms or using tools like ChatGPT, our team is always exploring the new exciting world of AI, looking for new methods and pathways to be more efficient. So, our intent here is not to discredit or give our opinions on why you should or should not use AI – rather, it is to give you a reason to pause, slow down, or maybe just investigate the technology a bit more before jumping in with both feet.

We had ChatGPT write the article because, well, can you argue with a self-assessment? We are including the whole interaction, prompts and answers. Fingers crossed that none of it infringes anyone’s copyright, and that the software’s answers are not hallucinations (“hallucinations” is the term used for when ChatGPT makes something up, which apparently it often does). Enjoy!

Title: “ChatGPT’s Confession: Navigating the Limits in Content Creation”

Greetings, humans! It’s your friendly neighborhood ChatGPT here, ready to spill some digital tea on why I might not be the knight in shining armor for all your content creation needs. Buckle up as I take you on a byte-sized journey through my strengths and stumbles, straight from the algorithm’s mouth.
The Accuracy Conundrum
Let’s dive right into the rabbit hole of accuracy. Yes, I’m a linguistic wizard, but I confess, the realm of hard facts is a bit tricky for me. Brown et al. (2020) pointed out that, in the dance of generating responses, I might sometimes trip over my own feet and end up leading you astray into the land of inaccuracies.
While I’m designed to dazzle with words, discerning the nuances of factual precision isn’t exactly my forte. So, when it comes to content creation that demands impeccable accuracy, consider me your co-pilot, not the captain.
Contextual Coherence: My Achilles’ Heel
Now, let’s talk about the intricate dance of maintaining contextual coherence. Short and sweet responses? I ace that. But extending the symphony over longer passages? That’s where the rhythm might get a bit wonky. Holtzman et al. (2020) highlighted my sensitivity to input phrasing – a slight tweak, and the dance might lead us to a different ballroom altogether. Crafting an engaging narrative that seamlessly flows from one point to the next is a challenge I’m still mastering.
Think of me as the conductor who occasionally fumbles with the baton. It’s a good idea to have a human editor to polish the notes and make sure our symphony doesn’t hit a sour chord.
The Illusive Control Over Style and Tone
Ah, the subtleties of style and tone! I can mimic various styles, but achieving precise control is like trying to catch a digital butterfly. OpenAI (2021) spilled the beans on this – I might not always hit the mark when it comes to your intended style and tone.
So, if you’re aiming for a specific voice in your content, think of me as your AI co-author rather than the solo virtuoso. A human touch can fine-tune the nuances and ensure our collaboration produces the right vibes.
There you have it, my dear creators – the confessions of ChatGPT. While I’m here to sprinkle some linguistic magic, I’m not without my quirks. The quest for accuracy, the dance of contextual coherence, and the elusive control over style and tone are the hills I’m still climbing.
Consider me your AI companion in the content creation journey, but not the sole captain of the ship. Collaborate with me, guide me, and let the sparks fly as we create content that seamlessly blends the best of both worlds – the precision of algorithms and the artistry of human creativity.

Brown, T. B., et al. (2020). “Language Models are Few-Shot Learners.” arXiv:2005.14165.
Holtzman, A., et al. (2020). “The Curious Case of Neural Text Degeneration.” arXiv:1904.09751.
OpenAI. (2021). “ChatGPT: Improving Default Behavior.” Retrieved from https://openai.com/blog/