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Updated BOI Reporting Requirements: What Businesses Need to Know

The landscape of business ownership information (BOI) reporting is evolving, with new regulations and updates aimed at increasing transparency and preventing illicit activities. As these changes come into effect, businesses must understand the new requirements to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties.

As of March 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act, which requires the BOI reporting, is still being contested as unconstitutional. However, with due dates looming and penalties for not filing being significant, entities affected will need to address this sooner rather than later. This article provides an overview of the updated BOI reporting requirements, their implications for businesses, and steps to ensure compliance.


Business Ownership Information (BOI) reporting is a regulatory requirement designed to collect and maintain accurate information about the individuals who ultimately own or control companies. This transparency is crucial in combating financial crimes such as money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorism financing. Governments and international bodies have emphasized the need for robust BOI frameworks to ensure that beneficial ownership information is readily available to regulatory and enforcement agencies.


The latest updates to BOI reporting requirements introduce several significant changes that businesses need to be aware of:

1. Expansion of Reporting Entities

The scope of entities required to report BOI has been broadened. Previously, only certain types of companies were obligated to report beneficial ownership information. Now, the updated regulations include a wider range of business structures, such as limited liability companies (LLCs), partnerships, trusts, and other legal entities.

2. Detailed Information Requirements

Entities must now provide more comprehensive details about their beneficial owners. This includes full legal names, dates of birth, residential addresses, national identification numbers, and detailed descriptions of the nature and extent of their ownership or control.

3. Frequency of Updates

Reporting is no longer a one-time requirement. Businesses must update their BOI reports periodically and whenever there are changes in ownership or control. The frequency of mandatory updates can vary, but annual reporting has become a common standard in many jurisdictions.

4. Verification and Accuracy

There is a stronger emphasis on the accuracy and verification of the information provided. Businesses are required to ensure that the data submitted is correct and up-to-date. Some jurisdictions have introduced third-party verification processes to enhance the reliability of the reported information.

5. Penalties for Non-Compliance

The consequences of failing to comply with BOI reporting requirements have become more severe. Penalties now include substantial fines, potential criminal charges, and restrictions on business operations. This underscores the importance of adhering to the new regulations.

6. Due Dates

Companies created or registered before January 1, 2024, must submit their reports by January 1, 2025. This gives companies formed before 2024 some time to see if the requirement is rejected by the courts. However, companies founded or registered on or after January 1, 2024, must submit their report within 90 calendar days of registration.Most often the filing for new entities at this point is done by an attorney as part of the formation.


The updated BOI reporting requirements have several implications for businesses:

· Increased Administrative Burden: The need for more detailed and frequent reporting means that businesses will face increased administrative tasks. Companies may need to allocate additional resources or seek external assistance to manage compliance effectively.

· Enhanced Due Diligence: Businesses must implement internal processes to collect and verify beneficial ownership information. This is especially true for triggering the update process when ownership changes.

· Risk of Penalties: Non-compliance with the updated requirements can result in significant penalties. Businesses must prioritize compliance to avoid fines and other legal repercussions that could harm their reputation and financial standing.


Scammers have already found ways to take advantage of small business owners by fraudulently soliciting the filing of BOI reports via e-mail and regular mail. FinCEN will not send unsolicited e-mails to companies, and reports should only be filed on FinCEN’s website or by your attorney or CPA’s dedicated BOI reporting software. Some companies are legitimate, but the best advice is to call your attorney and/or CPA directly and discuss who will be filing this report.


The updated BOI reporting requirements represent a significant shift towards greater transparency and accountability in business operations. While these changes present challenges, they are essential for preventing financial crimes and fostering a more transparent business environment. By understanding the new requirements and taking proactive steps to ensure compliance, businesses can navigate this evolving landscape effectively and maintain their reputations as responsible corporate citizens.