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Warren County Begins Work On Comprehensive Plan

Warren County is planning for the future by creating a Comprehensive Plan, and the initial steps in the process have been taken with the creation of a Project Advisory Group that will meet for the first time on August 23rd, 2023.

Dubbed “Warren County 2040,” the Comprehensive Plan will create a roadmap for Warren County to continue to be an attractive community with a high quality of life. The Warren County Board of Supervisors has sanctioned the development of this plan, which will establish a vision, goals, and strategies for the county’s future through a public engagement plan, to identify community priorities and create a long-term plan to achieve them.

Warren County 2040 is led by a nine-person Project Advisory Group, representative of county leadership, staff, and community members who were nominated through an open solicitation process this spring and summer.

The Project Advisory Group includes residents with a diversity of perspectives from different stages of life, community engagements, and geographies. The Project Advisory Group’s work will be reported to the Board of Supervisors’ Economic Growth and Development Committee.

The group is made up of: Ryan Hutton (Chester), Patrick Dowd (Glens Falls), Joshua Westfall (Bolton), Brady Stark (Queensbury), Tammy DeLorenzo (Bolton), Paul Cummings (Queensbury), Craig Leggett (Chester), Connie Bosse (Glens Falls), Anna Bowers (North Creek). Molly McCarthy (Chester) is an alternate for Anna Bowers.

The Project Advisory Group will help guide the technical planning work that will be conducted by a consultant team led by LaBella Associates of Glens Falls.

Ethan Gaddy, Warren County Planner, said Warren County 2040 will be a stakeholder-driven, inclusive planning process to ensure that community priorities are at the heart of the Comprehensive Plan. Community members will have an opportunity to provide feedback and participate in public events, surveys, and focus groups throughout the planning process.

“Input from the public and other stakeholders in the county is critical to the development of Warren County 2040,” Gaddy explained. “The consultant team and the Project Advisory Group will develop a robust public engagement plan to ensure that the public is involved and assisting us throughout the process.”

Warren County Planning Department will also be providing regular updates on the Comprehensive Plan’s progress through the website, its social media accounts, and e-mail outreach.

The Warren County Planning Department is committed to transparency at all stages of plan development… The Wednesday, August 23rd meeting is open to the public, and will be held at Warren County Municipal Center’s Human Services Building, starting at 10:00 AM, though public participation will be limited at this stage of the process. Additional public meetings are planned in the future.

To learn more about Warren County 2040 and to stay up to date on the plan’s progress, findings, and public events, visit the Warren County 2040 website: https://warren-county-2040-warrencountyny.hub.arcgis.com/.