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Warren County Data: COVID-19 is Still With Us

Warren County COVID Statistics

As much as all of us would love for COVID-19 to be a thing of the past, sadly it is not… As with the cycle of any virus, cases tend to spike after a holiday.

There have been 2 more COVID-19 related deaths, according to Warren County Health Services: these individuals passed away at area hospitals, and were in advanced years of 70s and 80s. Of the 11 cases reported to Warren County on December 5, 2022, 6 were found from home testing. There are 5 people in the hospital in Warren county with COVID-19; this is an increase of 1 person. In the last 5 days, there have been 100 reported cases of COVID-19. 

An Axios/Ipsos poll shows that most Americans are not worried about COVID going into the holiday season: one out of three polled saw contracting COVID as a high risk. It seems that Americans are calculating the risk of COVID, and moving on. Half of Americans have returned to their pre COVID routines. According to the poll, American feel optimistic about their health and their financial health. A larger percentage still support government efforts to fight the virus; however, 44% of respondents say that the government has spent enough on fighting COVID, and it’s time to move on. 

86% of Americans feel that they are in a better place than they were a year ago, though 84% of Americans feel that we will not be completely rid of the virus in our lifetime.

As we calculate the risks of contracting COVID, there are steps to take to try and avoid getting the virus and spreading the virus. Warren County Public Health suggests:

  • Stay up to date with the latest booster
  • Tell guests to stay home if they are feeling sick (even without a fever)
  • Ask guests to take a home COVID test before arriving
  • Make gatherings a bit smaller
  • Encourage guests with weakened immune systems to wear masks
  • Increase air ventilation
  • After the gathering monitor for signs of symptoms

Warren County is deemed to have “low’ community levels of COVID-19.

COVID-19 home tests are available and free to the public: they are located at the Warren County Municipal Center (DMV & Human Services Building entrances), Glens Falls City Hall, and town halls around Warren County.